Good luck 3 Gigih for exam diagnostic 1!
PBL - Group Members
Group 1-
- Yasmeen
- Alya Afiqah
- Syuhada
- Farah
- Hairoond
- Irsyaduddin
- Amir
- Husna
- Ummi Syaffa
- Ayu
- Luqman
- Hazizi
- Syahmi
- Shahirul
- Fahmi
- Haziq
- Nabihah
- Idzatul
- Hurieah
- Armirul
- Firdaus
- Zaim
- Hafizah
- Nisa
- Yanni
- Sufiana
- Ummi Uzma
- Dzharif
- Nazrin
- Azlan
- Hamizan
- Haffiz
PBL 2012
"The Young Educators"
Theme: Social Issues
- vandalisme
- smoking
- drug abuse
- bullying
- illegal racing
#choose one or two social issues.
A) English around you- (Present in graphic form)
- What do you see?
- Do people around you speak proper English?
- What do you think can be done to improve the proficiency of English?
B) MISUSE of English- 3 Examples
- Importance of English
- Steps to improve
Your Task: "I am not afraid of English"
(Group work)
Scenario ; A young university graduated-as English teacher-move to rural areas-students are poor in English. Teach 13 and 14 years old students-theme:Social Issues-teach vocabulary
- make a word list (minimum- 25 words)
- How? - to teach
- ICT - fun activities
- plan a lesson